Cancer Committee  |  Membership

This list is current as of 01 October 2024

Name TCPS 2 Roles & Specialties City
Lauren Birks, PhD Community Member (Population and Public Health) Calgary
Ellen Burgess, MD Scientific / Ethics (Nephrology / Pediatrics / Ethics) Calgary
Karen Campbell, Community Member Edmonton
Sambasivarao, Damaraju, PhD
(Acting Chair)
Scientific (Cancer Genetics / Pharmacogenetics / Precision Medicine) Edmonton
Brenda Davis, LLM, PhD Privacy / Law Edmonton
Douglas Dawson Community Member Edmonton
Sunil Desai, MD Scientific (Pediatric Hematology / Oncology) Edmonton
Katherine Duthie, PhD Ethics (Clinical Ethics) Edmonton
Alysa Fairchild, MD, FRCPC Scientific (Radiation Oncology) Edmonton
David Fenton, MD, FRCPC Scientific (Medical Oncology) Edmonton
Sunita Ghosh, PhD Scientific (Biostatistics) Detroit, MI
Desiree Hao, MD Scientific (Medical Oncology) Calgary
Joanne Hewitt, PhD Scientific (Advanced Practice Nursing) St. Albert
Lloyd Jamie Hodge, PEng. Community Member Calgary
Sureshna Kapugamage, MBBS Scientific (Medicine) Calgary
Richard Lee-Ying, MD Scientific (Medical Oncology) Calgary
Mary Marshall, LLM Privacy / Law Edmonton
Chris McTavish, PhD Ethics Edmonton
Joseph Ross Mitchell, PhD Scientific (Medical Biophysics) Edmonton
Sean Nurmsoo, MD Scientific (Physician) Edmonton
Robert Pearcey, MD Scientific (Radiation Oncology) Edmonton
Guy Pelletier, PhD Scientific (Psychosocial Oncology) Calgary
Gloria Roldán Urgoiti, MD, FRCPC Scientific (Medical Oncology) Calgary
Mary-Pat Schlosser, MD Scientific (Pediatric Palliative Care) Edmonton
Fiona Schulte, PhD Scientific (Pediatric Psychosocial Oncology) Calgary
Vivian Simpkin, BA, LLB Law Edmonton
Michael Smylie, MD Scientific (Medical Oncology) Edmonton
Gordon Sustrik LLB, KC Law Edmonton
Keith Tankel, MD Scientific (Radiation Oncology) Edmonton
Nora Turenne Community Member (Indigenous Representative) Edmonton
Andrew Robert Turner, MD Scientific (Medical Oncology / Hematology) Edmonton
Raul Urtasun, MD (Vice Chair) Scientific (Radiation Oncology) Edmonton
Brent Windwick, LLM, KC Law (Health Law) Edmonton
Jackson Wu, MD (Vice Chair) Scientific (Radiation Oncology) Calgary
Xiaofu Zhu, MD Scientific (Medical Oncology) Edmonton


The HREBA Cancer Committee is constituted and operates in accordance with the:
– Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans (TCPS 2);
– Alberta Health Information Act (HIA);
– Good Clinical Practice (GCP) Guidelines of the International Conference on Harmonization (ICH);
– Health Canada’s Food and Drug Regulations (FDR), Part C, Division 5.

The committee is registered with the U.S Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP), IRB # 00009687.

The HREBA-CC is one of three committees which comprise the HIA-designated Health Research Ethics Board of Alberta. Since the three committees operate as one Research Ethics Board, members from one committee may attend another committee’s meeting when their expertise is required. This ensures that members in attendance have the specific expertise, relevant competence and knowledge necessary to provide an adequate research ethics review of the proposals under consideration.

The majority of the committee members are Canadian citizens or permanent residents under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act. Members named as Principal Investigators or Co-investigators on a study that is under review do not participate in discussions related to, nor vote on, such studies when they are presented; this applies to initial and continuing reviews. To see a full list of the HREBA Membership click here.

A pdf version of this list, as well as previous lists of HREBA members and committee composition, can be found here.