Ethics Review Fees are available for all HREBA Committees:
As of August 1, 2019, investigators submitting to any of the Health Research Ethics Board of Alberta (HREBA) committees will be required to have an official agreement appointing HREBA as their Board of Record. For investigators conducting research through private practice or other community-based organizations (both for and not-for profit), a signed Board of Record Agreement will be required.
On January 21, 2019, the 2018 revision of the Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects (aka the “Common Rule”, found in 45 CFR 46) was implemented. Research that is sponsored or monitored by the United States Department of Health and Human Services (US DHHS – NIH, NCI, OHRP) is subject to this revised regulation, within the confines of existing Canadian regulations and laws.
There are new HREBA Reportable Events Forms which must be used as of 01 February 2018:
HREBA Local Adverse Events Report Form (V2 01 Feb 2018)
HREBA Non-Local Adverse Events Report Form (V2 01 Feb 2018)
HREBA Additional Reportable Events Form (V2 01 Feb 2018)
There is also a new HREBA Protocol Deviation Form (V2 01 Feb 2018).
Health Research Ethics Board of Alberta Seeking Members
The Health Research Ethics Board of Alberta (HREBA) is recruiting members with expertise in research content and methodology, privacy and members of the community. These include:
- General Practitioners
- Pediatricians
- Medical Oncologists
- Pediatric Oncologists
- Knowledge in Complimentary & Alternative Medicine
- Knowledge in Health Information Privacy
- Knowledgeable in Biologic Treatments
- Knowledge in Medical Devices
- Participants in Research
- Members of the Community
The Role:
Successful nominees will join either the Clinical Trials Committee or the Cancer Committee to help ensure that the rights and welfare of research participants within the province of Alberta are adequately protected in accordance with the Tri-Council Policy Statement on the Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans (TCPS 2014) and other regulatory requirements.
Members attend a monthly meeting and receive an honorarium. Depending on the committee, meetings are held either in Edmonton or Edmonton and Calgary. These are three-year term positions (2017-2020) that are renewable for an additional term.
How to Apply:
Please send a letter of interest and Curriculum Vitae outlining relevant qualifications and if applicable a summary of your research and ethics experience to:
Wendy Burrill, Associate Director of Research Ethics
Alberta Innovates
Nominations will be accepted until the positions are filled.
Background Information:
The Health Research Ethics Board of Alberta is managed by Alberta Innovates. HREBA’s three committees provide ethics reviews of research throughout the province that relies on health information under the authority of the Alberta Health Information Act. These committees include:
- The Cancer Committee reviews all cancer-related studies in the province.
- The Clinical Trials Committee reviews clinical trials, with the exception of cancer-related trials, conducted in the community by physicians or other qualified health professionals.
- The Community Health Committee reviews studies, with the exception of cancer-related studies or clinical trials, conducted in the community by principal investigators from all disciplines.
For all other inquiries regarding the HREBA, please contact