2024 Holiday Closure

Please note, the HREBA office will be closed for the winter holidays at NOON on December 24, 2024 and will re-open at 8:15 a.m. on January 2, 2025

If you have a question, please email the appropriate committee at the following address. These emails will be monitored during the closure:

Cancer Committee Dates and Deadlines

Clinical Trials Committee Dates and Deadlines

Community Health Committee Dates and Deadlines

For urgent requests only, the emergency line is 780-999-6792.

2022 Holiday Closure

Please note that the HREBA office will close for the winter holidays on December 23, 2022 at 4:30 pm and will re-open on January 3, 2023 at 8:15 a.m.

If you have a question, please email the appropriate committee at the following address. These emails will be monitored during the closure:

Cancer Committee: cancer@hreba.ca

Clinical Trials Committee: clinicaltrials@hreba.ca

Community Health Committee: communityhealth@hreba.ca

For urgent requests only, the emergency line is 780-999-6792.

2021 Office Holiday Closure

Please note that the HREBA office will close for the winter holidays on December 24, 2021 and will re-open on January 4, 2022.

If you have a question, please email the appropriate committee at the following address. These emails will be monitored during the closure:

Cancer Committee: cancer@hreba.ca

Clinical Trials Committee: clinicaltrials@hreba.ca

Community Health Committee: communityhealth@hreba.ca

For urgent requests only, the emergency line is 780-999-6792.

2020 Office Holiday Closure

Please note that the HREBA office will close for the winter holidays on December 24, 2020 and will re-open on January 4, 2021.

For urgent requests only, the after hours emergency line is 780-999-6792.

2019 Office Holiday Closure

Please note that the HREBA office will close for the winter holidays on December 25, 2019 and will re-open on January 2, 2020.

For urgent requests only, the after hours emergency line is 780-999-6792.

Board of Record Agreement

As of August 1, 2019, investigators submitting to any of the Health Research Ethics Board of Alberta (HREBA) committees will be required to have an official agreement appointing HREBA as their Board of Record. For investigators conducting research through private practice or other community-based organizations (both for and not-for profit), a signed Board of Record Agreement will be required.

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U.S. Common Rule Update

On January 21, 2019, the 2018 revision of the Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects (aka the “Common Rule”, found in 45 CFR 46) was implemented. Research that is sponsored or monitored by the United States Department of Health and Human Services (US DHHS – NIH, NCI, OHRP) is subject to this revised regulation, within the confines of existing Canadian regulations and laws.

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Office Holiday Closure

Please note that the office will be closed due to the winter holidays as follows:

  • Monday December 24th to Wednesday December 26th, 2018
  • Tuesday January 1st, 2018

For urgent requests only, the after hours emergency line is 780-999-6792.